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Our common love story


Digital download high resolution easy to print jpg 300 dpi file.

Formats available:

210x297mm, 330×470 mm, 500×700 mm, 600×900 mm.

It is only for personal an non commercial use.
I recommend to print it on 250 -350 high quality paper.

made with love & passion!

“What I love in a woman is not what she is in and for herself, but the side of herself she turns towards me, what she is for me. I love her as character in our common love story. what wuld Hamlet be without the castle at Elsinore, without Ophelia, without all the concrete situations he goes through, what would he be without the text of his part? What would be left but an empty, dumb, illusory essence?”
Milan Kundera


Our common love story. Digital download high resolution easy to print jpg 300 dpi file.

Formats available:

210x297mm, 330×470 mm, 500×700 mm, 600×900 mm.

It is only for personal an non commercial use.
I recommend to print it on 250 -350 high quality paper.

made with love & passion!

“What I love in a woman is not what she is in and for herself, but the side of herself she turns towards me, what she is for me. I love her as character in our common love story. what wuld Hamlet be without the castle at Elsinore, without Ophelia, without all the concrete situations he goes through, what would he be without the text of his part? What would be left but an empty, dumb, illusory essence?”
Milan Kundera

Black and white, In color

Choose an option

Print 210 x 297 mm, Print 330 x 470 mm, Print 500 x 700 mm, Print 600 x 900 mm

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